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     ▶ 정우9495 's 이정민 19th/20th Birthday Project ◀

    ☛ This Project started from Wednesday, November 28 2012

    ☛ Deadline : December 22 2012 

    ☛ Aim : To celebrate Our Prince Mirror - 이정민/李正珉 's 19th/20th Birthday ! (\*^^*/)

    ☛ Purpose : To show our Bestfriends's Love to 정민 ~! 

    ☛ Indo version : http://jeongwoo9495.blogspot.sg/2012/12/9495-s-19th20th-birthday-project-indo.html

    ☛ Japanese Version : http://jeongwoo9495.blogspot.sg/2012/12/9495s-19th20th-httpjeongwoo9495.html

     ☛ Details :- 

      Collecting Messages from Bestfriends all around the world ~!

    -> We're collecting Birthday Wishes for Jeongmin from Bestfriends all over the world ! 

    Q; Why are we collecting them? 

    Ans; Because We'll be giving Jeongmin a message book filled with all the Birthday Wishes & Messages ! 

    Q; How can we pass our messages to you guys?

    Ans; Simply  just send us your Birthday Wish to Jeongmin via  email 

    jeongwoocouple@yahoo.com.sg ) titled 

    ' My Birthday Wish to Jeongmin ' 

    OR Mention us at Twitter ( @JeongWoo9495 ) with your Birthday Wish ~~!

    Q; Is there any word limit for our Birthday Wish to Jeongmin ? 

    Ans; YES. Word limit is minimum - 50 words at least and maximum - 95 words. Wishes/ 

    Messages of more than 95 words, WILL NOT be accepted and we will ask you to re-write 


    Q; I'm lazy to count the number of words in my wish ... Is there any easier way to know

     if my Birthday Wish to Jeongmin is accepted?

    Ans; Well, You just need to estimate your number of words inside your wish. Just stay this in 

    mind that your 

    Birthday Wish must be ; NOT TOO LONG AND NOT TOO SHORT

    Q; Can I write the letter in Korean ?

    Ans; Yes you may. But please don't Google translate your whole birthday wish as Google 

    translate isn't accurate at all. Which means the whole birthday wish might not be  

    understandable and Jeongmin might not understand what you meant.

    Q; But... I don't know how to write in Korean.. So Can I write in English?

    Ans; Yes! OF course is an yes! You could either your wish in English / Japanese / Korean 

    Q; What must I also include before sending you guys my Birthday Wish for 


    Ans; Your personal particulars please ! Your Name, Country & Twitter u/n is compulsory to 

    be included along with your Birthday Wish fro Jeongmin ~! 

    Q; Can I put my nickname instead of my actual name?

    Ans; For your nickname, its not suggested by us to put it instead of your actual name. 

    Well, for suggest your actual name because we wnat Jeongmin to know all Bestfriends 's 

    name :') 

    Q; All Bestfriends could participate in this project right?

    Ans; As stated above, YES

    ** Any of your questions of doubts that are not listed as above? Free feel to mention

     us at Twitter - @JeongWoo9495 or Email Us at jeongwoocouple@yahoo.com.sg 

    JeongWoo9495's Gifts to Jeongmin ~!

    -> We are planning to give Jeongmin :-

    1. A T-Shirt (Size M) ; Estimated SGD$15~20

    2. A Customized Certificate of Appreciation ; SGD$4

    3. We're still discussing about the third gift 

    Fangifts & Fanletters

    -> We're also collecting fanletters & fangifts from everyone for Boyfriend / a certain member of Boyfriend~!

    This opens to everyone including Singapore Bestfriends especially ! 

    How to give fanletters & fangifts ? 


    1. Donate to us SGD$1.50 for every fanletter that you want it to be delivered to Boyfriend ! 

    2. For fangifts, it depends on the size ! So its estimated that you will have to donate 

    SGD3.50~5 !

    3. BUT don't forget ! We'll be giving a few Jeongmin Birthday Stickers and a few polariod-like-

    cards for those who donate more than SGD$3.50 ! ^^ ( Not included for the donations fro 

    fanletters & fangifts ) 

    For Overseas Bestfriends

    ** If you are interested of sending the fangifts or fanletters to Boyfriend, send us an email 

    ( jeongwoocoouple@yahoo.com.sg ) titled ' Overseas ; Fanletters/Fangifts ' An email with 

    more details of this fangifts or fanletters section will be sent within 24hrs if possible.

    For Singapore Bestfriends

    For your fanletters & fangifts to Boyfriend, we could do meet-ups to collect them and we can

    also collect your donations for your fanletters or fangifts as stated above.

    • If you want to donate not via Meet-ups, we do Bank Transfer / iBanking too !
    * DO TAKE NOTE : 

    We'll only received your fangifts or fanletters to Boyfriend after you have donated to us~!

    • If you couldn't do meet-ups to give us your fangifts or fanletters, we will give you an address to Boyfriend, send us an email ( jeongwoocouple@yahoo.com.sg ) titled ' Singapore ; Fanletters/FangiftsAn email with more details of this fangifts or fanletters section will be sent within 24hrs if possible.


    -> Well, Since we'll be buying gifts for Jeongmin, we would nedd donations~!

    For Overseas Bestfriends ; 

    You could donate to us by Paypal or Bank Transfer or iBanking

    If you are willing to donate to us ; Send an email ( jeongwoocouple@yahoo.com.sg ) to us titled 

    ' Donations ' Along with your name, country & Twitter u/n. An email with the donations details 

    will be sent within 24 hours as soon as possible ~!

    * Any Amount is appreciated ! 

    For Singapore Bestfriends

    Singapore Bestfriends! You could donate to us via Meet-Ups / Bank Transfer / iBanking !

    If you are willing to donate to us ; Send an email ( jeongwoocouple@yahoo.com.sg ) to us titled 

    ' SG Donations ' Along with your name, country & Twitter u/n. And tell us if you would like to do 

    meet-ups & state you meet-up place with us or bank transfer to us your donations ! 

    * If you would like to know where would we be doing meet-ups, the places/locations are stated 

    as below! 

    An email with the donations details/ bank account details/ Meet-up details  will be sent within 24 

    hours as soon as possible ~!

    Meet-Up Places ; 

    * Any Amount is appreciated ! 

    Q; What benefit will I get if I donate? 

    Ans; Well, Your Name and amount will be included in the Message Book that we will be giving Jeongmin under the page of ' Gifts Donations ' 

    Q; Is there any special gifts given to those who donated ? 

    Ans; Currently, yes. We're planning to give a small gift to those who donated ; a few Jeongmin Birthday Stickers to those who donated SGD$3.50 and above.


    « Contact Details »

    Any questions regarding this Birthday Project 

    Feel free to ask us via here ( http://jeongwoo9495.blogspot.sg/ )

    OR Mention us at Twitter ( https://twitter.com/JeongWoo9495 )

    OR Email us at jeongwoocouple@yahoo.com.sg

    If not ,

    you could also ask the organizer of this project - Admin JW :-

    in Facebook ( http://www.facebook.com/SooyoungieLuvver )

    OR Twitter ( https://twitter.com/JW_2MIN )

    OR Tumblr ( http://seojungeun.tumblr.com/ )

    OR Email her at jingwen_626@yahoo.com.sg

    Yours Faithfully,

    JeongWoo9495 & Admin JW

    "" was Posted On: Tuesday 27 November 2012 @22:41 | 0 lovely comments

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