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    [TRANS][121023] Minwoo's Fancafe Message

    [From. 민우♡] 나눙 보이뿌렝드의 귀염최강자 민후라구해염


    나는 지금 밥을 먹고 왔는데

    아무리 생각해두 요즘에 동현이형이 너무 멋있어보이는거같애염

    이 매력을 어떠케하면 배울수 있을지가 고민이네염…


    [From. Minwoo♡] I’m BOYFRIEND’s Minu cute on the top 


    I just finished eating now

    No matter how I think of these day I think Donghyun hyung look so cool

    How should I learn this attractive and I’m worried about it…

    Help me…

    Source: Boyfriend’s Official Fancafe
     via: Girlfriend (twitter)

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    "[TRANS][121023] Minwoo's Fancafe Message" was Posted On: Tuesday 23 October 2012 @22:54 | 0 lovely comments

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